This flyover video shows the planned widening of I-45N in Houston. This project will build on the racist mistakes of the past, displacing thousands--primarily in neighborhoods of color. As of now the federal DOT has paused the project, but everything must be done to ensure it is killed. Check out @stoptxdoti45 to see how you can get involved.
From @streetsblog: “The latest estimates of the human cost of the Interstate 45 project reveal that the highway expansion would require the destruction of “158 houses, 433 apartments or condos, 486 public housing units, 340 businesses, five churches and two schools,” the Houston Chronicle reported. The buildings that the Texas Department of Transportation seeks to demolish are disproportionately located in low-income communities of color, including many within the borders of Texas’s first black-formed municipality, Independence Heights, a region of major historic significance.
BIPOC activists have long cited displacement and the destruction of black communities in their fight against the $7-billion megaproject, which would functionally rebuild most of the downtown freeway system in the process of expanding and re-routing the interstate.”